Safe Sport
The WSWBC is committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment for all participants. WSWBC follows all provincial and federal legislation along with requirements from national sporting organizations. As part of WSWBC's commitment to Safe Sport, our staff and board are mandated to complete Commit to Kids training
Water Ski & Wakeboard BC accepts all language contained in the British Columbia Universal Code of Conduct (BC UCC). A copy of the code can be found here
If you witness maltreatment or are a victim or maltreatment, report it immediately. WSWBC takes maltreatment of any kind very serious and all complaints will be handled confidentially, fully investigated and appropriate action will be taken.
Complaints: Complaints should be directed to WSWBC President or WSWBC Executive Director
Sport Helpline – Comprehensive website full of resources for help and reporting: (1 888 837-7678) (by email)
BC Helpline for Children – a confidential toll-free phone line for children and youth: 310-1234 (no area code required).
Victim Link BC – toll-free, confidential, and online services available 24hr/7
Resilience BC – Anti-Racism Network to report incidences of racism and hate crimes.